En partenariat avec l’association Adjimé, qui utilise le sport comme levier éducatif, en couplant des écoles d’arts martiaux à un soutien scolaire, à travers tout le Sénégal.
Sénégal, La somone
December 2017
La Somone, Sénégal
Formerly a small fishing and farming village, La Somone has experienced a sharp increase in number of tourists in recent years. The consequence, a sharp increase in employment opportunities in the region and decrease in dropping out of school.
Solicited by Lea Buet, former high-level judoka, Ippon decided to take on the project within the context of sport and education and in line with its values.
The project
It is in this context that the partnership with Ippon Foundation developed. In the center of Adjimé de la Somone Ippon provided the digital classroom for around 160 children, aged from 3 to 17 years. For the whole year, they will be able to use ten computer stations, fully equipped with the educational softwares and with internet access.
The software will permit the initiation to the keyboard and mouse usage, but also to discover the basis of text editing and to increase their capacities with the help of logic and mathematical tests, thanks to, among others, the Gcompris software.
The Partner
Adjimé is an Association created in 2015 by a former franco-senegalese judoka : Léa Buet. Adjimé, using the education as a lever, by combining the martial arts schools and the tutoring workshops, all over Senegal.