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Togo, Lomé

February 2020

Lomé, Togo


The Context

A small West African country, Togo is one of the least developed countries in the region. There is a strong inequality of opportunity in the field of education. School fees have recently been abolished.

In this context, the Ippon Foundation has decided to support two schools in Togo: La Ruche Primary School and the Bouba School Complex.

The Project

The Ippon Foundation in collaboration with the Vemianou association decided to install digital classrooms in the La Ruche primary school and the Bouba school complex.

The two schools received 10 computer stations installed by the volunteers of the Ippon Foundation. The computers are equipped with the educational suite Gcompris and the software Capico Kids which is a playful pedagogical interface that supports the teachers.

Thanks to the digital classrooms, each school will provide two hours of classes per week for learning the educational program and for raising awareness of computer tools.

The Partner

The Vemianou association was born from the initiative of women and men to fight against precariousness in Togo since 2015.

Vemianou is involved in various actions in favour of education:

  • Donation of school material
  • Training of out-of-school girls
  • The refurbishment of classrooms