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Dakar, Sénégal

December 2019



The context

Being our partner since the Bingerville project in November 2019, Simplon again offered their educational solutions to the IT equipment provided by Ippon.

Simplon, as a privileged partner on the Dakar project, accompanied Ippon volunteers through the local logistics, especially in targeting the beneficiary structure.

Like in Vitré project, in Dakar as well, Simplon will follow up on project and optimize the usage of the provided equipment.

The project

The Daaray Sérigne Saliou Mbacke orphanage is already working with Simplon who, for several years, is giving the IT classes to the children of the Orphanage, but also to the children from the neighborhood. The new IT equipment will permit Simplon to work more often on spot and to accelerate the trainings.

Ten computer stations equipped with the G suite and the Scratch software will allow the students to acquire basic computer knowledge, but also to be initiated to coding thanks to arduino kits, provided by Ippon Foundation.

The classes will take place every Wednesday afternoon in one of the two buildings that constitute the Orphanage. Each group is made of 20 students who benefit of the 4 training sessions.

The Partner

A social and united company, the Simplon is using the digital as an inclusion lever discovering different talents.

Initially installed in France and seeking to support the critical profiles in terms of employment and educational difficulties, the Simplon is gradually spreading on African continent, especially in Ivory Coast and Senegal.